A COLCHESTER man who damaged the back door of a house during an attempted burglary has been jailed.

Kevin Greene, 48, of Harwich Road, Colchester, has been slammed behind bars 18 months after admitting attempted burglary.

Ipswich Crown Court heard how Green had been seen to knock on the door of a house in Harwich Road while the owner was out on March 16.

He then went round to the back of the property where he tried to prise open the back door with a walking cane.

When he was challenged by a witness Greene raised the cane and approached him causing the witness to back away.

Following his arrest he was recalled to prison to serve the balance of an extended sentence imposed in 2015 for offences including robbery and burglary and given a release date of June 2025.

Sentencing Greene recorder Richard Conley said he had committed the offence because he was struggling with life and felt it would be easier to go back to prison.