HUNDREDS of teenagers descended on Southend seafront leaving businesses forced to close early in what has been described as being like a "war zone".

Videos and pictures on social media showed large groups of people running amok along Southend seafront in “scary” scenes.

It came the same day Home Secretary Suella Braverman visited Leigh.

Traders say they were forced to close early yesterday, and one compared the chaos to a “war zone” as disorder broke out.

Essex Police issued a disperal order to tackle the disturbance. 

Martin Richardson, owner of the Happidrome Arcade, added: “It was a war zone.

“Families running for cover. Police used gas to disperse. It was a nightmare. Business had to close for safety reasons.”

Trouble began in the afternoon as residents claimed hundreds of teenagers arrived at the city on trains for a beach party.

People described seeing the majority of teens with “black mouth coverings” and “balaclavas”. 

One witness, who wishes not to be named, said: “It was terrible. Police were everywhere and there were hundreds of young teenagers.

“Most were wearing black mouth coverings and black balaclavas.

“The High Street was dreadful from them coming here on the train.

“I was just driving along the seafront, but there was no way I was stopping. It was too dangerous.

“Even though there were many police, cars and vans, there was nowhere near enough to cope.

“It was frightening. It was really bad.”

Another witness, who also wished not to be named, added: “Me, my wife, and my daughter went for a day out at the arcades.

“When we were driving past, there were easily 300 to 400.

“Some of the youths were wearing what you would associate with typical gang-style clothing with balaclavas.

“It is just ridiculous. It is giving Southend a bad name.

“We saw a few small groups gathering whilst we were out, we went for dinner and came back out and at the fountains where children usually play was mobbed with youths.

“I felt really unsafe driving along the seafront, thinking something might get thrown.

“People that live in the area shouldn’t have to leave the area. It should be those causing trouble – not innocent families.”