A thief who pretended to be a council worker as he committed a burglary at a vulnerable elderly woman's home has been jailed.

The 91-year-old victim was at her Little Thurrock home when Charles McGinley, of Sherwell Road, Bristol, knocked on the door and claimed to be from the council needing to check something in her property.

Despite continuously being asked to leave, the 28-year-old began opening the victim’s cupboard and drawers. Only once he had left, the victim noticed that £50 had been stolen.

On the same day, on February 6, Essex Police received another report of a theft in Tilbury involving McGinley. The 84-year-old victim was struggling with a trolley when McGinley stopped and offered to help.

When he had gone, the female victim noticed that her purse had been stolen.

Later that day, at around 4.20pm, McGinley forced entry to another address in Benfleet where he pushed an 85-year-old woman before stealing £700 in cash and jewellery.  

Officers put a marker on the vehicle McGinley was driving which was stopped on February 11 in Telford and he was arrested.

In interview, McGinley tried to claim he had never been to those parts of Essex and provided no comment to most questions.

He was charged with two counts of burglary dwelling and theft, one count of theft and one count of attempted burglary dwelling with intent to steal.

At Basildon Crown Court on Monday (July 31), McGinley pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to two years and four months in prison.