OVERFLOWING dog waste bins across Southend are causing a stink as residents and councillors demand action to clean up the mess.

Councillors have claimed they are inundated with complaints from residents about the bins in parks and on streets which are surrounded by piles of dog mess.

Lydia Hyde, councillor for St Laurence ward, has branded the issue a “health hazard” and fears it could lead to residents to give up even picking up their dog waste to start with.

When contacted for comment Southend Council’s partner Veolia said it is aware of the issues and have addressed it with the team.

Ms Hyde said: “There seems to be a wave of dog bins not being emptied in Southend, with huge piles of bags being left to mount up.

“I have been reporting these in St Laurence in parks and roadsides but have seen many bins left in a disgraceful state across the whole city.

“I have also been contacted by quite a few concerned residents too.

“In the height of the tourist season, we don’t want to greet residents with that. Tourists remember things like that and see it isn’t a city that is taking pride in itself.”

She added: “Leaving bins like this are a huge health hazard too.

“When they are overflowing, it could have a longer-term impact on behaviours as, if they can’t dispose of it, people will leave it.”

Some of the locations raised included Thornford Gardens, and St Laurence Park as well as Belfairs.

Martin Terry, councillor for Thorpe ward, also raised the issue and asked whether it was connected to the budget.

He said: “When new administration took over, they made some changes to our budget which also removed some money from the park maintenance budget.

“The situation appears to be getting worse. Is there a connection with that what is they are doing with the budget?”

A Veolia spokesman said: “Our partnership with Southend Council includes the emptying of just over 1,000 litter and dog waste bins across the city.

“We are aware that a number of dog waste bins were not emptied last week. We have addressed this with the team and we are working hard to clear the waste.

“Dog waste can also be disposed of in any nearby litter bin. Full dog and litter bins can be reported via the MySouthend portal and will be emptied within 24 hours.”