PLANS for new homes on an old school site in Southend have been shelved, it has been revealed.                                                                                                                  

The site of the old Futures Community College in Southchurch Boulevard, Southend, was earmarked for a large homes development.

But work has hit a stumbling block after it was revealed the partnership behind the project is being dissolved.

PSP Southend LLP, which was formed back in 2011, has been behind a number of successful projects.

Southend Council said there were “no bad feeling” but admitted it would mean a delay for some projects.                                                                                                     

The partnership was also behind plans for a commercial site on Brunel Road and developing an under-used car park in Ilfracombe Road.                                 

Glyn Hawksworth, Southend Council’s director of regeneration and housing, told a meeting on Monday the council would continue exploring the sites, albeit “at a slower pace”.

The partnership has helped deliver a new primary school and a pupil referral unit in Shoebury.

It follows Sanctuary Housing Association's exit from Porters Place Southend LLP and the Better Queensway Project.                                                                                 

Mr Hawksworth added: “They’ve ably assisted us in bringing forward things like Hinguar Primary School, Saxon Lodge and the former library and community centre pupil referral unit in Constable Way and they’ve continued to work with us until recently but there will be no further work at this point.

“So everything they were looking at, things like Brunel Road, Futures College and others has now stopped and there will be no further project expenditure.

“We anticipate as a council we will receive around £800,000 from the LLP in capital payments.”                                                                                                               

PSP Southend LLP is a 50-50 Limited Liability Partnership between the council and PSP Facilitating Ltd.

PSP Facilitating Ltd is said to have undergone some significant changes, including changes to “funders and controlling parties” and has requested an end to the partnership with Southend Council.

Mr Hawksworth added: “It is intended we agree to the dissolution of the partnership. There’s no bad feeling in this.

“It’s just that they are working to a different direction now and as a council we have significantly grown our skill set since we started our partnership with them.”