A GRIEVING wife is demanding answers from Southend Hospital after claiming her husband died because a member of staff “burst an artery in his arm with a needle”.

Ellie Sayers, of Southend, has claimed the care her husband, Tony Sayers, 61, was below par and played a role in his death on May 15, this year.

She has lodged an official complaint with Southend Hospital.

Mrs Sayers claims he bled to death at home after a needle was inserted into his arm at Southend Hospital and “caught an artery”.

Southend Hospital has confirmed it is investigating the circumstances surrounding his death, Mr Sayers was first taken to Southend Hospital A&E on April 26 with a swollen arm, and a fever with concerns he had an infection.

Mrs Sayers said: “While in A&E, a doctor performed a needling procedure to draw puss from his elbow to see what infection it was. As the doctor has gone into the elbow, somehow his artery has burst, and blood shot everywhere.

“Doctors claimed it was just a vein. Tony then underwent surgery and days after the surgery he began losing feeling in his fingers and they started to go blue. We complained and it was ignored – before eventually a doctor cut it off as they realised the bandages on his arm was too tight.

“Tony was then transferred to Basildon Hospital as they were vascular specialists and doctors their said his artery was destroyed.”

While having further treatment at Basildon Hospital, Mr Sayers put in a complaint to Southend Hospital about the care he received.

On May 11, Mrs Sayers claims Mr Sayers was ready to be discharged but couldn’t go home until a care package was in place.

Mr Sayers returned home and Mrs Sayers took on the role of full time carer, but on May 15 she “heard him screaming his ‘artery had gone again’.” He died at his home, despite the best efforts of paramedics.

Ellie said: “We are heartbroken. I feel massively let down. My husband started the complaint procedure whilst he was still here, and he said if anything happens, I must continue it. So I am fighting for him.”

Diane Sarkar, chief nursing officer for the Mid and South Essex NHS Trust, said: “Our condolences go out to the family of Mr Sayers at this difficult time. We are investigating the circumstances around Mr Sayers’ death and are in close contact with his family to answer any questions they may have.”