AN 83-year-old partially blind and deaf man has allegedly been threatened with eviction from his residential home in Leigh.

Residents at Yantlet in London Road endured an armed police response last month after a tenant was accused of threatening residents with a bow.

They then pinned up an Echo article in the lift after South Essex Homes allegedly refused residents access to their locked notice board.

Two South Essex homes employees visited the complex to remove the “inappropriate” article, but partially sighted David Purves spotted the staff, feared they were intruders and asked them to leave.

He has now been accused of “threatening their personal safety”, and Mr Purves claims he was placed on an unacceptable behaviour register for two years - which could lead to eviction if there are any further issues.

Leslie Parris, chairman of the residents’ association, said: “Myself and one other witnessed the incident. David can only see shadows and has faced intruders before.

“As the lift opened all he could see was two shadows pulling the article off the wall. He had just had an eye operation the day before.

“He said, ‘Stop. What are you doing?’

“They pushed past him and out of the door. David is also deaf so speaks loudly.

“He is the most gentle man and is responsible for the garden. They are supposed to be social workers dealing with mental health people every day.”

Mr Parris added: “The two minutes of this encounter does not need this sort of action. It’s overkill. No investigation was carried out. They just took their employees’ word for it. In the letter they say they fled scared but they were on their way out anyway. David was in tears when I read the letter to him.”

In his letter to Mr Purves dated September 1, Sam Elliott, South Essex Homes housing services manager said: “Should I receive further reports of abuse of staff, I will commence legal action against you.

A South Essex Homes spokesman said: “When the conditions of tenancy are breached, where appropriate we will issue a written warning and advise what the consequences may be for any further breaches.

“The safety of our staff is of paramount importance – therefore, when a resident has acted in an intimidating or aggressive manner, this is noted on an unacceptable behaviour register so any future meetings with that resident are approached with the required level of caution.”