A phonebox which has been used just 12 times in the past 12 months could be removed as a consultation has been launched.

Castle Point Borough Council is running a public consultation on the potential removal of a BT phonebox at the junction of Kents Hill Road North and London Road in South Benfleet.

The telecommunications company says the payphone is no longer needed in the area, and has placed consultation notices on the phonebox - inviting community groups, residents and users of these boxes to make their views on the removal known to the council.

As part of the community consultation, the council is also required to undertake consultation and has asked residents for their opinions on three options:

  • to agree to the removal of the box
  • to adopt the call box for use by the community - there is a small cost involved)  or
  • to object to the removal of the box

A total of 12 calls were made from the phonebox in the past 12 months.

The consultation period closes on September 29. The council will review the comments and publish a draft decision, submitting a copy to the Secretary of State and BT.

For more information, email planning@castlepoint.gov.uk.