FIREFIGHTERS have issued a warning to residents after a kitchen fire broke out in Basildon on Monday afternoon.

Upon the crews' arrival, they found the fire had been caused by a pan left on the hob unattended. 

The kitchen was fully smoke logged.

Phil Pitts-Webster, crew manager, said: “Crews did a great job to extinguish the fire quickly.

"It’s important to take care when cooking, if you need to leave the kitchen take the pans off the heat and never leave cooking unattended.

“Luckily, the residents had a working smoke alarm, which was actually fitted by our crews.

"This alerted them to the fire and they were able to call us quickly.” 

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service issued advice to residents on how to prevent similar fires in their own kitchens.

This included taking care when cooking with oil as it can set alight easily.

A spokesman said: "Never leave cooking unattended or leave the house while the open or hob is in use.

"Avoid leaving children in the kitchen alone when cooking on the hob. 

"Make sure saucepan handles don’t stick out – so they don’t get knocked off the stove.

"Keep tea towels and cloths away from the cooker and hob.

"Double check the cooker is off when you’ve finished cooking."