SIGNIFICANT sentences were handed out to defendants in crown court last month for sex offences, domestic violence incidents and drug offences.

Here is our round-up of the latest crown court cases that saw defendants jailed in September.

Jay Lang

Jay Lang, 24, of Thorney Bay Road, Canvey, posed as a 16-year-old girl named ‘Chloe Norris’ and messaged hundreds of boys between April 2018 and November 2021.

During those conversations, Lang, disguised as Norris, pursued sexualised conversations on Snapchat and Instagram and would ask the boys to reciprocate with images and videos.

Some of the victims were as young as 11.

A total of 26 victims provided evidence and Lang was charged on 46 offences including numerous counts of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, causing or inciting child sexual exploitation, arranging or facilitating commission of a child sex offence, causing or inciting child prostitution of pornography and blackmail.

Lang appeared for sentencing on September 22 in Basildon Crown Court

Judge Samantha Cohen sentenced Lang to for 21 years with an extended licence period of six years.

Conor George

Conor George, 29, of no fixed abode was jailed for 11 years for a Southend rape.

George turned up at the victim’s address on November 5, 2022, unannounced and possessing a folding knife.

He got into an argument with the defendant that got nasty and began to grope and pull her clothes off, demanding oral sex.

A short distraction saw the victim put on a dressing gown before George pulled it off again, forced her legs apart and began forceful intercourse.

George appeared in Basildon Crown Court on Friday, September 5 to be sentenced.

Daniel Haywood

Daniel Haywood, 32, was jailed for three years and given a 14-year restraining order after strangling his ex-partner and threatening to kill her and her children with a knife in Basildon.

The incident occurred on June 20 when Daniel Haywood, 32, got into a verbal argument with is ex-partner.

After shouting back and forth, the victim told Haywood she wanted to break up which resulted in him putting his hands on her neck.

The victim pleaded for help on her balcony and retreated to her bedroom when the defendant followed her with a knife.

Haywood appeared in Basildon Crown Court on Thursday, September 28, for sentencing.

Nicholas Manueno

Nicholas Manueno, 19, of Cranberry Road, Canning Town, was jailed for 30 months for affray and two counts of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs.

Manueno travelled to Southend in a group on October 11 last year to steal the drugs from an address in York Road.

He was confronted by the owners of the grow, forcing them to flee by breaking into an unrelated victim’s home.

After he fled the property, the cannabis owners chased them in a car and Manueno was run over and stabbed.

He appeared in Basildon Crown Court on Thursday, September 21, for sentencing.

Daniel Cole and Nyle Reid

Nyle Reid, 29, and Daniel Cole, 26, both of Croydon, were jailed for a combined seven years after selling crack cocaine and heroin in a Basildon drug line.

The pair had different roles in the ‘DJ’ line which operated between last November and March this year.

Reid, of Woodville Road, was identified as the ‘controller’ and ‘holder’ of the line whilst Cole, of Greenwood Road, assisted him.

The pair appeared in Basildon Crown Court on Wednesday, September 20, to be sentenced by Recorder Walters.

Reid was sentenced to four years and two months whilst Cole got two years and seven months.