A WOMAN died after suffering severe spinal and brain injuries after being hit by falling bricks during Storm Eunice in Southend, but her family face waiting another agonising year for answers.

Rochelle Crane, 49, suffered the catastrophic injuries when the bricks fell on the corner of Southchurch Road during the storm on February 18, 2022.

The family of the woman have already waited 18 months for answers surrounding the circumstances of her death. However yesterday at a pre-inquest review it was confirmed that a full inquest would not take place until October next year.

The hearing, at Essex Coroner’s Court in Chelmsford yesterday, was overseen by area coroner Sonia Hayes who revealed the family are “desperate for answers”.

Ms Hayes said: “This inquest was initially listed for two weeks between December 4 and 15 but it is still in the investigation stage because a report has not been produced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

“Ms Crane’s family is currently working on gaining representation but are taking the loss of their loved one hard and we are getting to almost two years. It is a long time to wait.

“The family has adamantly expressed their desire to know how this incident happened. This is a very technical matter and it is my view that I need the expertise of a HSE report as part of my reasoning to answer their questions.”

The inquest was first listed for March this year by area coroner Sean Horstead to be sat before coroner Lincoln Brookes.

However a series of delays have seen the hearing moved.

Richard Rajham, health and safety inspector at HSE, provided reasoning for the delays in producing a report.

He said: “We intend to get the investigation progressed as quickly as possibly but it is proving difficult. If we were to proceed to a prosecution then we would be at the mercy of the courts.”

Ms Crane died on April 22, 2022, in Royal Hospital London and an MRI revealed she suffered a hypoxic brain injury and “severe” spinal injuries.

Ms Hayes said: “Essex Police were not fully informed on the incident because Ms Crane did not die at the scene.

“HSE did not really grasp the situation until December 2022 and we had a further pre inquest review in February.”

The full inquest is set to commence on October 21, 2024.