MAJOR sentences were handed out to criminals in south Essex for crimes relating to drugs, harassment and fraud.

We have rounded up the latest crown court cases that saw defendants jailed in October.

George Koutsoumbi:

This defendant breached his restraining order by telling his ex-partner he would ‘take her head off her shoulders.’

Koutsoumbi, 27, of Felmores, Basildon, was initially charged with battery and jailed for six weeks whilst being made subject to a restraining order in April 2022.

Between June 8 and 29 this year, Koutsoumbi began sending the victim messages which were amicable at first but became increasingly ‘abusive’ and ‘nasty’ over time.

These messages culminated in the violent threat and Koutsoumbi was arrested on June 30.

He appeared in Basildon Crown Court on Monday, October 2, to be sentenced.

Recorder Sarah Przyblska sentenced Koutsoumbi to two years in prison for harassment with threats of violence and breach of a restraining order.

The order will remain until next April.

Serraj Sayyed

Sayyed was found with more than 80 packs of cannabis following a stop and search of his vehicle by police.

The defendant, of Brightwell Avenue, Westcliff, was stopped by officers in Hockley on August 5 at 11.30am.

He was was found to possess 83 packets of cannabis and £530 in cash was also found in his car.

Sayyed was arrested and a further search of his home address uncovered eight burner phones.

He appeared in Basildon Crown Court on Monday, October 2, for sentencing.

Recorder Angela Frost sentenced Sayyed to 22 months in prison for possession of cannabis with intent to supply and breach of a suspended sentence order.

Lee Kantor

Kantor took £8,500 from his victim for his own use in an investment scam .

` Between 2021 and 2022, the fraudster, of Chase Court Gardens in Southend, told the victim he could invest their money on their behalf in investment companies.

The 48-year-old took £8,500 from the victim but never invested the money, instead using it for his own personal living expenses.

Kantor was arrested in March 2023 and later charged with fraud and money laundering. He admitted the offences on October 6 at Chelmsford Crown Court.

He was jailed for three years.

Connor Fisher

This dealer hid cocaine and other drugs in his boxers was jailed for dealing in a ‘cottage industry’ operation in Leigh.

Connor Fisher, 24, of Grovewood Avenue, Leigh was stopped by officers on March 5 last year and found with eight grams of cannabis, a grinder, a wallet containing £600 in cash and a small bag with an unidentified white substance.

Officers raided his address and found weighing scales, bags and other drug-related paraphernalia.

Fisher was strip searched and officers found 4.48 grams of cocaine worth between £200 and ££00, 3.04 grams of ketamine worth £60 to £120, 0.74 grams of MDMA and some cannabis edibles.

The defendant admitted to using cannabis and cocaine that night and his phone was searched revealing messages indicating drug dealing.

Fisher appeared in Basildon Crown Court on Friday, October 20 for sentencing.

Judge Samantha Cohen sentenced Fisher to two years and seven months in prison.

Levi Whalley

This carjacker was jailed following a robbing spree which saw three victims confronted in their cars in Southend and Basildon.

Levi Whalley, 33, of no fixed abode was charged for the carjacking offences which took place last September.

The events of September 26 saw Whalley of initially robbing one victim in Herschell Road, Leigh.

Whalley then travelled up the A127 to the Nevendon Roundabout where he hijacked another victim’s Renault Scenic who began driving in a panic.

The defendant’s offences ended in Upper Mayne Road, Basildon, near the Noak Bridge Junction where tried to rob a Ford Fiesta but was detained by civilians and arrested.

He was sentenced in Basildon Crown Court on October 23 following a week-long trial.

Whalley was jailed for five years for robbery and attempted robbery.