It was fun a games for little ones with the launch of a stay and play session.

Southend community hub, the Ironworks, ran its first free, three hour Tiny Tots Time session last week.

The baby and toddler sessions took place last Wednesday at the popular venue.

Natalie Solomons, co-founder of The Ironworks, said: “It was a pleasure to welcome so many new faces to the venue, exploring the new soft play, toys, crafts, singing along with Saida and playing with Lenora our witch.

“We can’t wait to see families next week. The sessions are free with thanks to A Better Start Southend.”

Echo: Having fun - it was a family fun eventHaving fun - it was a family fun event (Image: The Ironworks)

The children had fun playing with masks, babies enjoyed a sensory session with lights and there was plenty of craft activities of the toddler.

The sessions run every Wednesday from 10am to 1pm for new-borns to four year olds and include juice and snacks.

The community hub, located on the high street, runs a vast array of events throughout the year.

They are currently running a Go Fund Me page to raise money so they can continue to help creativity thrive in the area.

To donate to The Ironworks visit