FEARS that a new Tim Hortons being built in Basildon was “dead in the water” have been allayed with reassurances work will resume in the new year. 

Work on the Canadian restaurant, in Miles Gray Road, began in July but in recent weeks, it had seemingly stalled despite a promised autumn opening. 

Construction firm Skyhigh Construction completed cladding and roof work earlier this year. 

But when no further work began, residents became concerned the project had fallen through.

Repeated efforts by the Echo to get answers to what was going on went unanswered. 

After concerns were raised with David Kirkman, Fryerns ward Labour councillor, he urged Basildon Council’s planning team to find out what is going on.

According to the council, phase one of the construction for the exterior and forecourt has been completed, and the six-week phase two work to fit out the interior is scheduled for the new year.

Mr Kirkman said: “There was a concern about the project was dead in the water from residents and that it wouldn’t be complete.

“As people were expressing concerns, I thought I could ease people’s minds and reassure them by asking the planning team about what’s going on.

“They checked with Tim Hortons, and the firm said it’s still going ahead and is set to open in 2024.

“I’m disappointed the restaurant is not open as originally planned as it would’ve really benefited the area alongside other brands opening in St Hilary’s retail park, especially for the holiday season.

“I just hope the firm will ensure work will start as soon as possible in the new year, so people can feast on some doughnuts.”

In addition to sugary doughnuts, the Canadian fast-food chain offers mouth-watering burgers, chewy pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, and hot and cold beverages.

When the Echo last contacted Tim Hortons for an update, a spokesman for the chain said: “We don’t have an update as of yet but we’ll be sure to share any news that comes through.”