CRUEL thugs who robbed bikes from teenagers were caught doing a “celebratory dance” on CCTV as their terrified victims ran home.

The two victims, both 13 years old, were travelling home from school in Southend when they were targeted by Clint Myall and Carl Woods, both 26, who were “lurking in the area”.

The two men ordered the victims to hand over their bikes and CCTV caught them doing a celebratory dance in the street as the victims ran home.

Myall’s sister called the police to report her brother and also responded to an appeal by a victim’s mother on Facebook.

The next day one of the bikes was returned. Myall was arrested that day and gave no comment.

Wood was arrested the next day and initially gave an account of being with his girlfriend and denied knowing Myall.

They eventually pleaded guilty at the plea and trial preparation hearing on October 20 and both Wood, of South Avenue, Southend, and Myall, of Northumberland Avenue, Southend, were jailed at Basildon Crown Court on Friday.

Philippa Page, prosecuting, said: “When one bicycle was returned, CCTV evidence confirmed the defendant left it at the address a few minutes earlier.

“CCTV footage also confirmed the victims hurried away after the altercation and the defendants were viewed doing a ‘celebratory dance’ having robbed the 13 year olds.

“Myall was identified on CCTV and Wood’s involvement was confirmed by DNA evidence.”

During Friday’s court appearance, Myall was also sentenced for a domestic incident which saw him threaten a woman and her child while he was “so drunk he could barely stand”.

Ms Page added: “The victims exited the flat and Myall started shouting abuse at them, threatening to kill one of the victims and stamp on her head.

“The police were called and Myall left but in the following day he sent abusive messages to the victim.”

Kevin Toomey, mitigating, for Myall said: “Stealing bicycles from children is cowardly and pathetic, Mr Myall knew it then and he knows it now.

“It is plainly clear that alcohol is his problem and he would benefit from ore assistance in alcohol abstinence.”

Callum Munday, mitigating for Wood, added: “Mr Wood knows and accepts what he did was utterly stupid and absolutely awful and disgusting.

Judge Andrew Hurst sentenced Myall to two years and seven months in prison for robbery, criminal damage and common assault.

Wood was sentenced to two years and four months in prison for robbery.