A LARGE number of rescued mice who are looking for new homes through the RSPCA have starred in a festive photoshoot for Christmas.

A total of 25 male mice are being cared for at RSPCA Danaher Animal Home in Wethersfield, Essex, waiting to be adopted in pairs or groups of three.

Some were lucky enough to star in the festive photos, which were taken during a supervised play session outside of the mammals’ cage.

Echo: Pictures were taken during a supervised play session outside of the critters’ normal cagePictures were taken during a supervised play session outside of the critters’ normal cage (Image: Danaher/RSPCA)

Featuring a miniature Christmas bedroom scene complete with tiny knitted festive stockings, the photoshoot provided the curious animals with opportunities to explore and climb.

Danaher manager Sam Garvey said: “Christmas is a time for hope and these little mice deserve to be adopted into loving new homes.

“Our staff are always looking for fun ways to provide enrichment and exploration for our small rodents, as they are very inquisitive and love to play.

Echo: The photoshoot provided these curious and inquisitive animals with opportunities to perform natural behaviours such as exploring and climbingThe photoshoot provided these curious and inquisitive animals with opportunities to perform natural behaviours such as exploring and climbing (Image: Danaher/RSPCA)

“Mice can make wonderful pets for those who are willing to let their characters shine through with regular handling and enrichment, and we know these boys will keep their new found families entertained with their playfulness and inquisitiveness.”

While getting creative and providing play and exploration to rodents is a great way to enrich their lives, the shelter has urged owners to be extra careful to make sure mice don't injure themselves or ingest anything harmful such as wool threads.

Echo: The backdrop was a miniature Christmas bedroom scene complete with tiny knitted festive stockingsThe backdrop was a miniature Christmas bedroom scene complete with tiny knitted festive stockings (Image: Danaher/RSPCA)

A spokesman added: “Owning and caring for mice can be very rewarding.

“Mice usually live for about three years, so it's a fairly long-term commitment and it's worth having a good read of what it takes to care for a mouse before you decide to buy one.”

Anyone wishing to find out more or to offer a home to the mice can contact the centre on 0300 111 4321.