HARWICH'S historic LV18 light ship – featured in the pirate radio movie The Boat that Rocked - has been damaged in a suspected arson attack.

The boat, at Harwich Quay, was damaged in one of three suspected arsons in the town on Friday night, although police are not linking the incidents.

Fires were also thought to have been started at the former Harwich bus station and Harwich railway station, in Station Approach.

A spokesman for Essex Police said: "We are investigating a fire which has damaged the LV18 historic Light Vessel in Harwich, which we’re treating as arson.

"We were called to The Quay shortly after 9.05pm on Friday to reports a Victorian light ship on fire.

"It was reported that a group of young people were seen leaving the area shortly after the fire had started and we are treating the fire as arson.

"However, we do not believe this incident is linked to any others in the area last night as it was discovered after the suspect had been arrested."

Fire crews from Dovercourt, Colchester, Weeley, Frinton, Clacton, Coggeshall, Great Baddow, Maldon and Wivenhoe were called to Harwich to deal with the three blazes.

The first callout of the night was to two vans on fire near the former bus station in George Street, Harwich, at 7.22pm before being called to a pile of rubbish on fire in an alleyway in Vansittart Street, Harwich at 9.54pm.

A crew from Frinton worked to prevent the fire spreading to nearby houses. It was extinguished by 10.16pm.

While crews were working to extinguish the fire in George Street, they were called at 8.57pm to reports of a fire at the LV18.

Firefighters remained at the scene until 4am, working alongside coastguard and Port of Harwich to prevent the fire spreading throughout the boat and were able to contain it to the engine room.

Group manager Danny Partridge said: “Crews have been working in punishing conditions with extremely high temperatures in the engine room but have worked hard to enter the engine room from the deck and prevent the fire spreading throughout the rest of the boat.

“We’ve still got lots more work to do to fully extinguish the fire and cool the scene and I’d like to praise crews for their determination in what has busy night in Harwich with three incidents.

“Our Control Room has taken lots of calls to the incidents in Harwich tonight and I’d like the thank them for their quick actions to get crews to the scene while incidents were happening simultaneously.”

An investigation will take place into the cause of the fire.

The ex-Trinity House vessel LV18 is the last surviving example of a manned light vessel in British waters.

The classic heritage vessel featured in the pirate radio film The Boat that Rocked and hosts a pirate radio exhibition, with new interactive audiovisual systems and interpretation signage.

Witnesses or anyone with information, CCTV, dash cam or other footage in relation to the incident should contact Essex Police quoting incident 1216 of February 2.