UNUSED cash totalling £530,000 should be used for improvements to ease traffic and congestion at a notorious Southend bottleneck, a Labour councillor says.

The £530,000 unspent funding allocated for improvements at the Bell Junction is still in council coffers but should be spent in making the Cuckoo Corner and Priory Crescent junction safer, according to the Labour Group.

Last year St Laurence ward councillors, Daniel Cowan and Lydia Hyde put forward a motion calling for a major overhaul of Cuckoo Corner in Southend but there has been no movement on the issue.

Ideas put forward include removing traffic lights, introducing a box junction and moving the roundabout – where Victoria Avenue meets the A127 and Priory Crescent – to tackle gridlock.

Daniel Cowan, leader of the Labour Group, said: “We pointed out a couple of years ago that there was half a million pounds from the Bell that hadn’t been spent. It was supposed to be spent on improving the planting and things around the Bell to effectively make it a better space.

“We managed get the improvements there without spending that money. If there is money that’s available to spend on improving the A127 then we should absolutely be spending it at Cuckoor Corner and Priory Crescent.”

Mr Cowan said he believed any such scheme will now be delayed until after May’s elections.

He said: “Absolutely nothing has been done since we put forward our motion, which we are frustrated about. The portfolio holder made it very clear when we put forward our motion that he didn’t support it so I don’t hold out any hope that he will do anything.

“Between now and May I don’t think it will happen but it will be a priority for an incoming administration.”

Kevin Buck, councillor responsible for highways and parking, has previously said officers were looking at improving junction.

He said: “Funding for highways has an eclectic mix of sources, all of which help contribute to the improving our highway network. No money goes unspent, but ensuring that it is targeted in the right areas can take some time.

“This is to insure we get best value and it hopefully solves the problems that have been identified. Since taking over as Cabinet for Highways in May 2023, I have been looking in to the issues specifically around Priory Crescent and Cuckoo Corner and this remains ongoing.”

Mr Buck added: “If it is proven that some modifications are needed and would alleviate some of the issues, then I’m sure funding could be found to ensure the works proceed. This may include funding already received.”