TERRIFIED parents have described the moment they saw a man with a large knife walking around brazenly metres from a school.

The knife-wielding man was reportedly seen on both Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening close to Eversley Leisure Centre and past Eversley Primary School, in Crest Avenue.

Witnesses say he showed “no care” as he wandered freely with a “large knife” in his hand on Tuesday at around 8.50am.

Eversley Primary School told the Echo extra safety measures had been taken including adding an additional lock to the gates.

One parent said: “I witnessed him on Tuesday morning walking through the car park and then past the school.

“Myself and a few other mums were heading to the leisure centre when we heard a lady scream at us ‘get in your cars, there is a man coming with a knife’.

“We all shouted at others in the area to get in their cars and shouted out to the school staff to shut the gate. We called the police.

“He came walking though the car park, very brazen, a bit staggery. He was hiding in and out of the bushes for a bit, then started walking towards us so we got back into our cars for safety.

“As we looked back, he had disappeared. Police then arrived, had a quick look around, and told us they couldn’t find him.

“It was so scary, and to think he is still wandering about is ridiculous. It is very worrying.”

Another witness added: “Myself and a few other parents turned around after hearing shouting, and a man was walking right past with no care showing the knife in his hand.

“Once he noticed we had all spotted him, he pulled the snood he was wearing to cover his face. He then paced up and down the path next to the school, before disappearing.”

A spokesman for Eversley Primary School said: “We have been informed a man believed to be carrying a knife was seen in the vicinity of the Eversley Leisure Centre field. The police were called and have searched the area.

“While we have not been told there is any danger, the police will remain close by for the foreseeable future.

“As a precaution, we are implementing additional security steps, including placing an additional lock on the school gates.

“During the day, children will remain within the school and the gates will be locked. Visitors will need to call our office to be identified and let in by staff. Staff will also be at the gates at the beginning and end of the school day.”