CQC, or the Care Quality commission, inspects and rates all health and social care services across England to judge the quality of care people are receiving.

According to the latest ratings, five care homes in south Essex, are currently rated “inadequate” by CQC.

Here is a list of all the care homes that have been rated “inadequate” in south Essex.

1. Cherrycroft, in Westcliff:

Cherrycroft is a care home for up to ten people. The service supports people with learning disabilities, and mental health needs.

Inspectors stated: “People were not supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff did not support them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.

“The environment was not always safe or clean. Health and safety checks were not being consistently completed.”

Date of inspection: December 6, 2023.

2. Westminster House, in Westcliff:

Westminster House Residential Care Limited is a residential care home providing the regulated activity of accommodation and personal care to up to 12 people.

Inspectors stated: “The delivery of care for people was not always safe. Not all risks to people's safety and wellbeing provided enough detail as to how identified risks should be mitigated.

“The leadership, management and governance arrangements did not provide assurance the service was well-led.”

Date of inspection: May 10, 2023.

3. Whittingham House, Southend:

Whittingham House is a care home providing accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care for up to 70 people including people living with dementia.

Inspectors stated: “The provider had not identified or managed health and safety risks and hazards.

“Risks were not always safely monitored or managed, for example risks relating to falls, moving, and handling, distressed reactions and eating and drinking.

“A lack of information and follow up across people's care plans meant people were at risk of harm.”

Date of inspection: June 6, 2023.

4. Mountdale Nursery Home, in Leigh:

Mountdale Nursing Home is a residential care home providing the regulated activities of personal and nursing care to up to 24 people.

Inspectors stated: “Staff did not understand how to protect people from abuse and harm.

“The provider and staff had training on how to recognise and report abuse but did not know how to apply it to keep people safe.

“There was a lack of clear leadership and oversight. Responsibilities and accountability arrangements were not clear.”

Date of inspection: November 8, 2023.

5. Ashingdon Hall, in Rochford:

Ashingdon Hall is a residential care home providing the regulated activity of accommodation and personal care to up to 28 people.

Inspectors stated: “Not all risks to people's safety and wellbeing were identified and recorded.

“People's privacy and dignity was not always promoted and respected.

“People were not supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff did not support them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.”

Date of inspection: December 4, 2023.