A FAMILY was terrified after it claims 15 armed police officers “stormed” their home in the middle of the night only to find they had "got the wrong house".

A mother claims the Metropolitan Police officers mistakenly raided her home in Basildon in the early hours of Monday morning while her two children were inside.

She claims they later found the individual they were looking for in the house next door.

The shaken mother said: “We were all asleep when my daughter screamed for me. We just saw these big fluorescent lights coming towards the house.

“They were all suited and booted with helmets, guard dogs and tasers.”

Echo: A picture captured at the time appears to show police in riot gear, armed with tasers.A picture captured at the time appears to show police in riot gear, armed with tasers. (Image: Submitted)

She says her two daughters, aged 16 and four, were distressed by the ordeal. Her eldest daughter has autism and sensory issues, which made the situation “even more overwhelming” for her.

“My daughter was screaming and crying," the mother said.

“The police wouldn’t even let her get her dressing gown. I had to drag my kids out into the rain and cold.

“My daughter was wearing a thin t-shirt and shorts, so she was freezing cold.”

The incident has sent the single mum’s anxiety “through the roof”, she says.

She said: “I’ve never had an experience like this with the police before.”

The youngest daughter wasn’t able to go back to sleep until 4am but had to wake up two hours later to go be dropped off at nursery while her mum went to work as a carer.

Her mother added: “They distressed me and my children and all I got was a ‘sorry’ and a bit of paper.

“We haven’t been given any support.”

A formal complaint has been submitted to the Metropolitan Police.

Essex Police confirmed it was not involved in the operation but was made aware of it by the force.

A Met spokesman said: “I don’t underestimate the distress that was caused by this incident and I want to reassure the family that they will receive a full explanation about how their house came to be searched.

“Officers prioritised the search of one room so the family could go back inside rather than remain outside. Officers also apologised at the time.

"We have been in touch with the family since and will keep them updated on the progress of their complaint.”