MORE than £10,000 has been raised in memory of a Westcliff backpacker who died in a car crash while travelling the world.

Joseph Snode, 26, from Westcliff, died after a car crash on January 28 as he was fulfilling his dream of travelling.

He set off to travel the world back in September and was in New Zealand at the time of the crash in January.

The “loving” 26-year-oldHe grew up in Westcliff and attended Belfairs Academy in Leigh.

Following his death, a GoFundMe appeal was set up to help his family cover funeral and memorial costs.

More than £10,000 has already been raised.

His mum, Elaine Snode, has since posted an update on the GoFundMe to thank everyone.

She wrote: “Thank you all so very much. There is so much love being shown for Joseph, it means so much to us.

“All you wonderful people who have been so kind and donated to Joseph’s funeral and celebration.

“We are waiting to hear when he will be repatriated and then we can get a date for the funeral and celebration.

“The days don’t get any easier with the pain of losing our precious Joseph so tragically and suddenly.

“But your love and messages are helping remind us he is loved, as are we.

“Two weeks on and it still seems just as unreal and yet painfully true that our son has gone.

“We are all hurting and grieving in different ways, but we all love Joseph.

“Take care of yourselves and hold your loved ones close.”

Joseph had always dreamed of seeing the world and experiencing as many different cultures as he could.

He had visited Japan, China, South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand before his tragic death.

When paying tribute to Joseph at the time, his mum said: “He was such a caring young man, never judged people, and accepted everyone as they were.

“Joseph did so much in his 26 years. We are just devastated.”

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