A CANVEY woman with bowel cancer and a rare condition causing muscle weakness reveals how supportive Fair Havens has been - even helping her renew her wedding vows this week. 

Sue Goldsmith, 56, lives in Canvey with her husband Lee, daughter Louisa – as well as her beloved dachshund Tiggs who led to Sue making her own canine biscuit company.

Sue has a rare long-term condition called Myasthenia Gravis which causes muscle weakness throughout the body and two years ago was also diagnosed with bowel cancer.

Despite at first being given the all-clear, the bowel cancer spread to both her lungs and due to a severe reaction to the drugs, Sue was unable to have more chemotherapy.

Echo: Gardening - Fair Havens' support means Sue Goldsmith can continue to enjoy her main passion gardeningGardening - Fair Havens' support means Sue Goldsmith can continue to enjoy her main passion gardening (Image: Anna Lukala)


Sue has been visiting the Fair Havens Hub – situated in Prittlewell opposite the Priory Park - for over a year, and more recently has been supported by Havens Hospices’ IPU (in-patient unit).

This Valentine's day, Fair Haven's care team gave Sue a special sun-flower themed wedding vow renewal ceremony.

Before the ceremony, Sue said: “It’s so heart-warming to know the community’s donations are making this possible for me and my family, giving me one more special day with the people I love".

Echo: Love - Sue and Lee GoldsmithLove - Sue and Lee Goldsmith (Image: Havens Hospice)

Sue said: “Since I’ve been visiting Fair Havens, my attitude has changed.

“I feel positive which has made a huge difference not only for me but for my family too. To be honest, I feel blessed. I know that seems the wrong thing to say, but a good thing that has come from my diagnosis is knowing I have Fair Havens behind me.”

Echo: Family - Sue Goldsmith with husband Lee and daughter Louisa Family - Sue Goldsmith with husband Lee and daughter Louisa (Image: Havens Hospice)

Sue said that the hub had helped her pursue her main passion gardening again, including tending to her loved sunflowers, after she believed her illness meant this would be impossible.

She added: “The Care Team at Fair Havens is different from the hospital because they know you so well”.

“They know you as a person.”

Echo: Fun - Therapy Through Nature's summer partyFun - Therapy Through Nature's summer party (Image: Havens Hospice)


Sue Lee said after thinking about the end of her life, she hoped her last days would be at Fair Havens, and added: “You never think that you’ll be in this position, that you won’t be there for your family one day”.

“So, with the help of Fair Havens, I’m trying to do the best I can to plan everything to make it easier for them. I know everyone here and I know I will get the best care. To be honest, I feel safe here.

Echo: Green - Paula (left) and Sue Lee (right)Green - Paula (left) and Sue Lee (right) (Image: Havens Hospice)

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