IT is a cold and rainy morning in Maldon when I visit the The Rose & Crown for some breakfast.

Happy to escape the weather outside, I am shown to a table before venturing to the bar to make my order.

The Wetherspoons pub has previously been ranked as one of the best of the chain's pubs in Essex

And it was handed a platinum rating by inspectors in the Loo of the Year Awards 2023.

The toilets are judged against numerous criteria, including décor and maintenance, cleanliness, accessibility, hand washing and drying equipment and overall management.

We are not here to assess the toilets though and instead turn our attention to breakfast. 

There are a few other customers dotted around as I arrive but overall the place is not too busy.

I opt for the establishment’s ‘Small American breakfast’, which includes fried egg, hash brown, maple-cured bacon, sausage, two pancakes and maple-flavoured syrup.

Echo: Delicious - Breakfast fry upDelicious - Breakfast fry up (Image: Newsquest)

To offset any potential dislike of what is served up, I add optional extras and my reliable favourites, two slices of toast and some black pudding.

To complement the dish and to warm myself up, I select a latté as my drink for the morning.

I am excited to try the food for a number of reasons. One, I have not had a fry-up in quite some time.

Two, of all the components listed, I have never tried pancakes and maple syrup and therefore I am interested to see how this tastes.

Echo: Options - Menu at the Rose & CrownOptions - Menu at the Rose & Crown (Image: Newsquest)

I head over to the coffee machine to make my latté while waiting for the food to be ready.

After the plate arrives at my table, I make quick work of the sausage, black pudding, toast and hash brown.

I have the egg near the end and find it to be delicious.

Ultimately, while happy to be trying it, I find the pancakes and maple syrup are not to my taste.

Although I'm happy to try what is a beloved breakfast staple for some, I probably won’t be indulging in it again any time soon.

Of course, this is down to my palate and not anything to do with the food itself which proves to be a perfect, filling breakfast on a cold morning such as this one.

I have enjoyed my time at the The Rose & Crown and look forward to returning again in the future.