THE former Barclays bank in Leigh Broadway is set to be transformed into a coffee shop after plans were recommended for approval despite objections from neighbours.

The bank closed in September 2022 and has remained empty since but fresh plans submitted to Southend Council would see it transformed into a coffee shop and patisserie, as well as an Airbnb holiday rental upstairs.

The council received five letters of objections from residents raising concerns over the number of cafes already based in the area as well as fears the Airbnb could be an “house of multiple occupancy by the back door”.

Despite the letters of objection, council officers have recommended the plans are approved next Wednesday at Southend’s development control committee.

Residents also raised concerns over the impact of noise from the extraction system, a lack of parking and loss of privacy to neighbouring properties.

The objectors also called for an assurance that no alcohol licence would be granted if the application is approved.

A report to the committee said: “The change of use to short-term lets will change the nature and pattern of the building’s occupation compared with the former commercial use.

“This will be restricted to the building only as there is no intention to use the external area as a terrace and this can be controlled by a planning condition.

“It is considered that this change in use would not significantly harm neighbour’s amenity in this context close to the district centre, where there are frequent comings and goings throughout the day and a degree of noise and disturbance is to be reasonably expected.”

The café will be on the ground floor with the upper floors of the three-storey building used for “visitor accommodation”.

The former bank’s vault will be used for a storage area.

The café would open from 7.30am to 7.30pm and provide 11 full-time jobs.

The building is said to date from the early 20th century.