THIRTEEN flats in Basildon’s Brooke House have been cleared and residents moved into new homes, with 11 more set to leave within weeks. 

The “nightmare” is finally coming to an end for residents, according to councillor for housing Andrew Schrader, as Basildon Council rapidly attempts to move all residents out of the town centre tower block. 

The 1960s building will undergo a £16 million overhaul once all 84 flats in the 14-storey tower block are cleared. 

Tenants have been plagued with damp, leaks and mould in recent years, but problems came to a head when the fire service demanded residents be moved out before essential works on the building’s stairwell could be completed.

The council initially predicted it would take two years to clear the building, but have made rapid progress already this year. 

Despite initially facing a “rough few months” of uncertainty, tenth floor resident Gem Enderson now feels “at ease” as she prepares to move into her new home.

Echo: Resident Gem Enderson says communication from officers has improved.Resident Gem Enderson says communication from officers has improved. (Image: Gem Enderson)

Gem, 28, said: “We’re already packed up and waiting to go. I feel calmer and more at ease, because the council’s communication has been a lot better over the last few weeks.

“It’s been a very rough few months of walking on eggshells. The hardest part was not knowing where we’d be going.

“I’m happy to go now.”

Mr Schrader said: “I do feel like an end to the nightmare is coming into sight.

“Officers are making sure the building is decanted as quickly but also as sensitively as possible.

Every one of those households is a family that is being completely uprooted. That is at the forefront of officers’ minds.”

Mr Schrader says officers have been progressing “leaps and bounds” since councillors approved the £16 million refurbishment last month.

Officers are “taking advantage” of new-build properties as they become available, and a council house buy-back scheme is being reinstated to increase the number available, Mr Schrader says.

He added: “We can’t wait to build properties, so officers have started making strategic acquisitions.

“The quicker we can get everyone moved out, the better.

“We’ve moved quite a few out in the last few weeks. With any luck, we can get the decanting process done quicker to start the refurb earlier.

“It is a mammoth undertaking. But we are working to ensure residents will have a home fit for the 21st century.”