A RENOWNED Southend butcher is set to retire after four decades spent serving “lovely” customers as the business goes up for sale.

Ashby’s Butchers, in Southchurch Road, is on the market for £25,000 and estate agent Dedman Gray is offering a new tenant the chance to take on the butchers’ “well-known” trading name.

Brian Ashton, 79, and his son have spent the past 42 years working together at Ashby’s, but the business has been used as a butchers for 100 years.

Brian said: “We serve the nicest people in the world. We’ve built up a good reputation.

“We’ve been very lucky, because every person who comes in here is nice.”

He added: “Our lease is up for renewal and the agents say we need to sign for another 15 years. I’m 80 in May, so that was the decider for me.”

Despite being well over retirement age, Brian still consistently puts in the hours.

He added: “I’m in here for 12 hours a day, six days a week. It comes naturally to me, as I’ve done it all my life. I get a sense of enjoyment out of it.”

Brian's son shares his passion for the job.

“Rob does the work, while I do all the talking,” Brian joked.

“He’s got the exact same passion I have. We really don’t want to pack up.

“Working with my son for all that time is one of the things that’s made it so enjoyable.”

Rob, 62, describes working with his dad for 42 years as “priceless”.

Echo: Rob started by helping his dad more than four decades ago.Rob started by helping his dad more than four decades ago. (Image: Ben Shahrabi)

He said: “I never wanted to be a butcher because I didn’t think it paid enough. But I came to help my dad one day and I’ve been here ever since.

“Despite working together for all this time, we’ve never had an argument.

“It’s an old fashioned family butcher. When it’s gone, it’s gone.

“When I started working in Southchurch Road, there were five other butchers. Now, it’s just us.”

However, the decision to close is not one that was made lightly.

Rob added: “We don’t really want to go, but these things happen."

Echo: Neighbouring business owner Gary Page says he will be sad to see the father and son leave the shop.Neighbouring business owner Gary Page says he will be sad to see the father and son leave the shop. (Image: Ben Shahrabi)

Gary Page, 71, owner of Cards Galore just a few doors down, says Ashby’s is “always busy”.

He said: “They’re very friendly, sociable, and helpful. I’ll be sorry to see them go."

Sarah Downs, 36, works at Byers Bakery and fondly remembers visiting Ashby’s while growing up.

She said: “I’ve always gone to Ashby’s with my mum. It’s part of my childhood.

“Brian is lovely. He always has a smile on his face.

“I’ll be sad when they go.”

However, Brian and Rob are adamant that it is “business as usual” until they leave at the end of June