CAMPAIGNING residents have delivered 300 letters of objections to Basildon Council as they step up their fight against plans for 117 homes on green belt land.

Developer Crest Nicholson is planning to build the new homes on green belt land on a set of fields to the south of London Road in Wickford.

However, the work has sparked major concerns among residents and yesterday they handed two full boxes of objection letters to Basildon Council to show the “scale of the opposition”.

Protest organiser Radka Webb, 45, has stated the number of objections is a dramatic indication of the scale of anger at the plans.

She said: “In just a short space of time, we have identified no less than 27 different and powerful objections to this scheme. Where do you even begin?

“To name but a few: This land is precious green belt countryside; it is just about the last open green leisure space left in Wickford; and it is widely used by walkers, cyclists and riders.

“Add to that the effect that all these new homes would add to traffic density on London Road, which is already notorious for long tailbacks and serious accidents, and the impact on the over-stretched local infrastructure, and on the area’s rich wild life, and you understand why opposition is so passionate.”

The objections were handed to the council in two boxes which had been decorated by Wickford schools - the Bromford’s and Grange Primary.

Radka and fellow campaigners have compiled a 20-point objection letter to the plans, including problems they have raised about the impact on traffic, open spaces, highway safety and a fear of urban sprawl towards Ramsden Heath by Wickford.

Wickford town councillor, Stewart Mott, said: “This campaign is about residents, I met them when they attended the town council consultation meetings and I have been keen to help them make sure they know how and where to express their views.

“People really do care about the area.

“It is well-used for dog walking and people enjoying the outdoors.

“I have a nuanced perspective on the development, but my concern is the green belt is being developed outside of the local plan and the infrastructure, new homes must be made part of the development plan.”

The deadline to submit objections for these plans is March 2.