PLANS to turn a former Barclays bank into a coffee shop and patisserie have been refused after concerns emerged over an increase in traffic in Leigh Broadway.

Planning officers had recommended approval for the old Barclays bank to be transformed into a coffee shop and patisserie along with Airbnb-style holiday rental upstairs.

However, councillors on the development control committee were concerned about the impact of extra traffic and parking near a busy junction and on nearby residents.

Carole Mulroney, Lib Dem councillor for Leigh Ward, said frequent lorry deliveries to the Co-op, Tesco and a Factory Shop already caused traffic jams in the area.

She said: “If you have that happening nobody can get round it other than to go round the island on the wrong side of the road and it happens all the time and then you’re met by a double-decker bus coming the other way. You’ve got all of this happening in the space of 50 yards.

“This is a conservation area. This is probably the worst area in Leigh Broadway where you could introduce additional traffic and parking.”

Ms Mulroney added: “We are talking about a site that has no parking. There’s a potential for 18 cars, not counting the café. Where are they going to go?

“This is the worst possible area you could bring extra traffic. I’ve got no objection to the café.”

Ms Mulroney proposed refusal of the plan, supported by Ron Woodley, Residents First councillor for Thorpe Ward.

He said: “This planning application the council’s unmet housing needs. We want housing. Airbnbs does not make that happen.”

The first-floor accommodation included a flat roof area used only as a fire escape accessed by a door which it was feared could be used by those staying in the short stay accommodation as it has to remain unlocked.

Richard Longstaff, Green Party councillor for Leigh Ward, said: “It’s in the wrong place. It doesn’t add to the city’s needs. The fire escape is the elephant in the room for me. When you look at where people congregate, if you look at the ground floor plan that’s that’s the communal area for the residents staying in the Airbnb and the fire escape is just beyond that accesses the first floor roof.

“The door to access the flat roof on the first floor will always be open and a temptation to young people.”