A PASSENGER on the turbulence-hit Singapore Airlines flight is facing a 12-week stay in a Bangkok hospital after suffering six fractures and a bleed on his spinal cord.

Brad Richards’ long-awaited birthday trip to Bali turned to terror after the flight was hit by freak turbulence that caused the plane to plummet 6,000 feet in a minute.

More than 20 passengers on the flight from London to Singapore, last Tuesday, were treated for spinal injuries and one man, a 73-year-old from Gloucestershire, died.

As the plane hit turbulence Brad, from Benfleet, was asleep and thrown into the ceiling and left with “blood pouring from his head”.

As a result, the 29-year-old needed 20 stitches to a huge gash on his head and suffered six fractures in his neck and spine.

He also suffered a spinal cord bleed.

Brad believes he is “lucky to be alive” and has praised the care he has received at a specialist hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

He said: “I was asleep at the time, my recollection of the accident was waking up with blood pouring from my head, luggage everywhere, kids screaming and people running around to help.

“It was surreal, almost like a movie, and I was absolutely dazed.

“I didn’t panic instantly but I didn’t know what on earth was going on or what was happening.”

Brad added that he is “so thankful” that despite the injuries he has suffered, he is aware it could be worse.

“One man in my hospital has a head support cage, another man is completely paralysed, and one man tragically died. It is incredibly traumatic, and I am lucky to be alive.

“I try not to think about it everyday, but it comes in bursts. I have been struggling to sleep. every time I settle down, I wake up in a panic state but I am trying to push the trauma to the back of my mind.”

One of Brad’s friends has created a gofundme to support Brad while he undergoes physio, which takes an average of 12 weeks.

“I will need ongoing treatment whatever happens but currently I am getting ten out of ten five-star treatment,” he said.

Visit gofundme.com/f/q4gtb-support-for-brad