A HOMELESS woman fears she is “helpless” and struggling to survive after being “just £45” in Universal Credit for the month.

Michelle Snell has been living in a tent since March in a woodland area in Basildon after being evicted because she struggled to pay the rent at her home.

The mum-of-two has arranged for her children to move in with her parents but is now pleading for help to get back on her feet.

Ms Snell admits to missing her Universal Credit appointment in April because “of the stress of the eviction” but claims she has received less than £100 over three months since then.

She claims she normally receives close to £400 a month, but received just £45 in May.

She now fears she is “completely helpless” and feels she has been “left to rot in a tent.”

The Department for Work and Pensions confirmed that Ms Snell's payments were reduced after she missed a number of appointments, however confirmed her payments will return to normal once she continues appointments.

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“I have no money to live, I feel like there’s no point in going on any more,” Ms Snell added.

“I’ve told the doctors, council and so many organisations and there’s no help.

“I’m not really eating either. I’ve lost two stone.

“The food bank that I was sent to gave me a two-day-old baguette and a mouldy packet of tomatoes. That’s an insult. I’m not an animal.

“I really miss my kids. The last time I saw them was in March. I just want to be a mother to my children.”

Ms Snell has also reached out to Basildon Council, who did offer her a shared accommodation but she says she feels “unsafe” around strangers.

“I was in a 20-year abusive relationship with the father of my children and it feels like I am being punished for it,” she said.

“The council said they could offer me a shared accommodation but I can’t stay around strangers after all I’ve been through.”