A TEACHER is preparing to row 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean in a boat made out of recycled bottles as he aims to inspire children to “push their boundaries”.

Dafydd Geraint Helps-Fursse, from Benfleet, is taking on the biggest challenge of his life in December as he rows from San Sebastian in the Canary Islands across to Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean.

The Billericay School teacher is hoping to be an inspiration to the youngsters he teaches and encourage the next generation to pursue outdoor adventures.

The three-man team’s boat, which has been named Vaquita, is made of 10,000 recycled bottles and is being decorated in the faces of members of the community donated to their crowdfunding effort.

The “pixel project” will see 3,000 stickers cover the boat, each representing a crowdfunding supporter.

Dafydd believes that the challenge, while famously difficult, will be achievable after two years of training and hard work.

He said: “Training has been tough; we have had the boat for around two years and we go out and do 12-hour rowing sessions and row two or three times a week at the moment to train.

“That is just the physical preparation, we have done loads of training, survival and how to survive training as well as this and with seven months to go, we are hitting the crunch period now.”

This is the latest challenge Dafydd will complete, including a Kilimanjaro climb.

Despite suffering with a heart condition, he is committed to living a lifestyle of “outdoor adventures”.

And he now regularly speaks to children in schools in a bid to help inspire them to take up some challenges of their own.

“I’ve visited St Catherine’s, Canvey Island Juniors, and Leigh Beck to talk about my challenge,” he added.

“Kids nowadays need a lot of inspiration to be shown just what is possible.

“They can do incredible things and while I won’t be the greatest ocean rower on earth, this is the biggest thing I have ever undertaken, and I am excited.”