A SUPERHERO teenager is beating the odds in his incredible fight against cancer just months after doctors suggested he began end of life care.

Oscar Ray Fairs, 14, was determined to keep fighting after he was offered palliative care in December.

Now, the Benfleet youngster’s rare brain tumour has begun to shrink and he has begun a new radiation cancer trial which his family hope will lead to even more success.

Echo: Smiling - Superhero Oscar FairsSmiling - Superhero Oscar Fairs (Image: Newsquest)

The aspiring goalkeeper, who has been on the books at West Ham since he was a boy, was diagnosed with Ependymoma - a rare and aggressive form of brain tumour - in August 2023.

His mum, Natalie Fairs, said: “Oscar has been incredibly strong and brave throughout.

“In December, we were told palliative care, but Oscar beat the odds of all the specialists and in January, we were told there is a shrinkage and that they can offer us a trial.

Echo: Treatment - Oscar starts a new trialTreatment - Oscar starts a new trial (Image: Natalie Fairs)

“We are in good spirits. We won’t give up, no matter what. He is our superhero.”

The inspirational teen has since undergone seven surgeries, two rounds of chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy as he continues his cancer battle.

In December, the family were tragically told the cancer had spread and were offered palliative care.

The radiation trial consists of 54 strengths of 30 days of radiation to the cancerous part of the whole left side of the brain.

Echo: Together - Oscar with his family just days after being diagnosedTogether - Oscar with his family just days after being diagnosed (Image: Newsquest)

Once complete Oscar will have an MRI six weeks after to access the results.

Oscar has already completed ten of the 30 days.

A JustGiving page has since been set up to help raises funds to take Oscar on holiday after his treatment for a deserved break from hospitals.

The 14-year-old is hoping to go to Turkey with his family.

Natalie added: “Our super warrior’s wish is to have a holiday in Turkey.

“We have a little pot with some monies. But as you can imagine all of this monstrosity of a journey, not only has a strain on your emotions, but financially too.

“The help of our wonderful family, friends, and community have helped us be stronger than ever, holding faith, and positivity towards this next round of treatment.

“I am so grateful for all the support we have had.”

To donate, visit https://justgiving.com/crowdfunding/oscar-fairs