SOUTHEND’s iconic Cliff Lift is set to be fixed this week and re-open after almost a month out of action.

Volunteers at the Cliff Lift, which is to be found on the seafront between Clifton Terrace and Western Esplanade, have been patiently waiting for parts to be delivered from Germany to carry out vital repairs.

The 112-year-old lift has been closed since May 7 after breaking down.

When it first opened back in August of 1912, it was branded a state-of-the-art addition to the then town.

Last June, it was recognised as a site of historical importance to national transport heritage with a Red Wheel plaque.

Southend resident, Lesley Taylor, 59, said: “I love this lift, or funicular as it used to be called.

“It is part of our heritage and must be preserved at all costs.

“The tourists love it as well as us locals and my grandchildren adore it. I just hope they fix it soon, especially before the summer comes.”

It is reported that in 2023, approximately 20,000 people travelled on the Cliff Lift.

The lift runs on a single track, which is 40m long and the highest point being at 17m and carries 12 people.

Tony Cox, leader of the Conservative group, added: “It is a shame as it is a popular tourist attraction. Hopefully it will be repaired and up and running soon.”

The Cliff Lift - one of more than 40 funiculars in the UK - is run entirely by volunteers who operate it between 10:30am and 3pm daily - dependant on volunteer availability.

A spokesman for the Cliff Lift said: “It is currently out of action (since May 7). An engineering team are due to put it back into service next week.

“Parts have been ordered from Germany so take time to be delivered.

“We look forward to operating the Lift as soon as possible - the willing band of volunteers can’t wait, but more volunteers are always welcome - application forms available in the Lift or on request via this page.”

If you are interested in joining the team of volunteers who manage the lift and keep it running, visit during opening hours and speak to a lift operator.