A Year 8 student from Billericay recently competed internationally and is now among the world's top cheerleaders.

Jessica Coldicott and her troupe, Dauntless, placed fourth at the Varsity Allsports Summit in Florida, after winning a Europe-wide competition last year.

Jessica has been cheerleading since Year 4 and dedicates 13 hours per week to practice.

She said: "I have loved cheerleading ever since.

"You make so many new friends and I love competing – that’s my favourite part. I love it so much.

"Cheerleading has really built my confidence, as well as my skills."

Bev Woolley, Year 8 manager, said: "Jessica is the model student – she is well-behaved, polite, completes all her work and otherwise has 100 per cent attendance.

"Watching her perform is amazing; what she has achieved is absolutely incredible."

Jessica's triumph places her a step closer to representing England in international events.