A 26-year-old from Hockley with terminal brain cancer has inspired two of his childhood best friends to undertake a gruelling 24-hour trek, to raise awareness of his condition.

Katie Rice and Jenny Sutton completed the National Three Peaks Challenge for their friend, Charlie Pearson, who faces a terminal brain cancer diagnosis.

Charlie, a civil servant, was told his brain tumour had progressed to a glioblastoma (GBM) in February 2024, a diagnosis resulting from a collapse he suffered on the Jubilee line four years earlier.

Katie, Jenny and Charlie in 2019Katie, Jenny and Charlie in 2019 (Image: Brain Tumour Research)

Initially thought to be meningitis, a scan revealed a mass on his brain in July 2019.

His subsequent fight included three operations and combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment.

Having known each other since their days at Riverside Primary School in Hullbridge, Ms Rice recalled the moment they learned of Charlie's diagnosis: "I remember when Charlie told us he had a brain tumour.

"It was the day before he and I were due to graduate; it was a shock and felt like a whirlwind.

"Despite everything, he’s maintained such a strong and positive mindset, and has never lost his sense of humour.”

Joined by their partners, Bronson Payne and Galen Marasek, Ms Rice and Ms Sutton achieved the National Three Peaks Challenge within 23 hours and 28 minutes.

The endeavour involved a 23-mile hike, ascending more than 3,064 metres and crossing through Scotland’s Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike in England, and finally Snowdon in Wales.

Still finding the energy while battling fatigue, rough terrains and a snowstorm, the determined group has so far raised more than £7,600 for Brain Tumour Research.

Ms Rice added: "It was an amazing and emotional feeling to finish the challenge."

Charlie Allesbrook, community development manager at Brain Tumour Research, brought attention to the stark reality of the disease: "Sadly Charlie’s story is not unusual, brain tumours are indiscriminate; they can affect anyone at any age."

"It’s with the kindness and generosity of Charlie and his friends, Katie, Jenny, Bronson and Galen that will help us closer towards finding a cure for all types of brain tumours."

To support the fundraising effort, donations can be made at justgiving.com/page/katiejenny3peakchallenge.