Pupils "build incredibly positive relationships with staff" at St Christopher School in Leigh, praised by Ofsted inspectors.

The special-needs school, situated in Mountdale Gardens, bagged an overall "good" rating following a two-day inspection back on April 23 and 24.

Impressively, in five out of six individual categories it was rated "outstanding."

Inspectors found that this welcoming school is making big strides in refining its curriculum.

The Ofsted report said: "Since the previous inspection, the school has refined and developed the curriculum.

"This is to reflect the increased number of pupils joining the school with complex learning needs.

"The school has identified three curriculum routes for pupils.

"Each route identifies the important knowledge pupils will learn.

"This knowledge has mostly been broken down into smaller steps and placed into a logical order.

"For many pupils this is on a more individualised basis due to their level of need."

At the time of the inspection, there were 256 pupils at the school, all aged between three and 19.

The report states clearly that students not only enjoy coming to the school but also receive a high level of care from the staff.

The report added: ""Pupils love attending this school and do so regularly.

"They receive a high level of care from staff.

"Pupils build incredibly positive relationships with staff and with each other.

"They show kindness and consideration throughout the school day.

"This helps to build the strong sense of community that flows through the school."

Despite the overwhelming positive report, inspectors gave the St Christopher School one piece of advice for further improvement.

The report stated: "The school has introduced new approaches to the curriculum in some areas.

"These approaches are not securely understood or embedded across all areas of the school.

"This can lead to times where lessons focus more on activities than specific learning.

"The school should ensure that staff fully understand and implement the curriculum as leaders intend, so pupils secure their understanding of the important knowledge leaders want them to."

The St Christopher School was contacted for comment by the Echo, but are yet to respond.