AN investigation has been launched after a giant hole described as a “danger to life” appeared on Shoebury East Beach.

HM Coastguard Southend was called out to the beach at 4.40pm on Wednesday.

They were responding to a report of a large crater appearing in the sand.

Huge - The whole on Shoebury East BeachHuge - The whole on Shoebury East Beach (Image: HM Coastguard Southend)

Coastguard chiefs have now warned beach-goers to maintain a safe distance from the hole, due to fears of collapsing sand which could trap and endanger their lives.

The area around the hole has been cordoned off.

The hole measures roughly 9ft in length, 7 to 8ft in width and is about 7ft deep.

A spokesman for Southend Council said: "We were alerted by a member of the public regarding a hole on Shoebury Beach.

Interest - Items found by the wholeInterest - Items found by the whole (Image: HM Coastguard Southend)

"A member of our Pier and Foreshore team immediately attended to cordon the area off.

"We are investigating the potential causes of this and will be carrying out repairs when those investigations are complete.

"The area around the hole will remain cordoned off until the repairs have been completed."

Shoebury resident Martin Halliday, who explores abandoned buildings in south Essex for his channel DE-eVOLVED, visited the site. 

He said: "At first glance it looks like a possible explosion, however no one in the area saw or heard anything - which is strange.

Martin Halliday. Picture: DE-eVOLVEDMartin Halliday. Picture: DE-eVOLVED (Image: DE-eVOLVED)

"A few people mentioned sink holes, and so it could be from where an old pipe has crumbled, although there were no signs of an drainage pipes - unless it was buried when it collapsed.

"Others speculated it was kids digging a hole but the hole is pretty big.

"Until an official report is out these are all just guesses.

"Personally I believe it was kids digging a hole but it is a very big hole and does share some similarities to a crater that has been created from an explosion.

"It is an interesting talking point."

HM Coastguard Southend also issued a public safety warning: "We ask members of the public to remain well clear of the hole and ask parents to remind their children to not venture in any holes on the beach.

"Holes will collapse around you and the mix of water and sand will cement you in situ endangering life.

"Should you see anyone in trouble on or near the coast, don’t hesitate to dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard, you could save someone’s life."