A VILE paedophile from Westcliff who left his victim "living in constant fear" has been found guilty of multiple sexual offences against a child.

Daniel Carroll, 44 of Westbourne Grove, Westcliff, was found guilty of nine sexual offences after a three-week trial at Basildon Crown Court on June 11.

This included three counts of rape of a child.

Carroll was swiftly declared guilty by a jury after just 90 minutes of deliberation, following an investigation run by the Essex Police Quest team.

The investigation was launched in 2020 after Essex Police received a report from a girl to say she had been sexually abused on multiple occasions by Carroll over a two year period.

Carroll was arrested and searches at his address located mobile phones containing indecent images of children.

These images included category A images which are classified as some of the most serious prohibited images of children.

In February 2023, Carroll was charged with two counts of rape of a child under 13, one count of rape of a child over 13, three counts of causing a child to watch a sexual act and three counts of multiple possession of indecent images of children.

After pleading not guilty to all offences, Carroll went on trial at Basildon Crown Court in May.

A jury found him guilty of all charges on Tuesday.

Following the verdict, he was remanded in custody with his next court appearance scheduled on July 18, 2024, at Cambridge Crown Court for sentencing.

Following the conviction, the victim said: "I hoped every day that when this is all over, I can begin to concentrate on me.

"I want to work on getting better and looking after myself and just maybe I have a chance of not living in constant fear and anxiety now knowing that everyone knows what Carroll is.

"I cannot thank DC Sedgwick enough for all the work he has done, and helping me and my family throughout the process to get this conviction."

Investigating officer Det Con Christopher Sedgwick added: "The strength that this young woman has shown to report Carroll and work with us during the two-and a half year investigation is nothing short of admirable.

"She first came to Essex police whilst still a child and has lived every day since reporting in fear he would find her and confront her.

"Her bravery and maturity despite having gone through the most horrible of crimes is admirable in the extreme and shows an enormous strength of character.

"I hope with this outcome the Victim can begin to rebuild on her life and have the positive future that she deserves."