The chief executive of Basildon Council has announced he is stepping down from the role after seven years. 

Scott Logan, who was appointed to the role in 2017 and joined Basildon Council in 2007, has announced his retirement. 

It follows a behind closed doors council meeting on Thursday where councillors agreed he will leave the role.

Mr Logan succeeded Bala Mahendran, who stepped down after 13 years in the job and is the current longest holder of the chief executive position in Basildon Council.

Mr Logan said: “The council has been on a significant journey in recent years and particularly over the last 12 months.

“These changes present all new opportunities and challenges for Basildon Council, and a chance for me to reflect on my own journey and aspirations.

“I feel that now is the right time to move on and afford someone else the opportunity and privilege to take the council forward.

“I am proud of many achievements during my 17 years with Basildon Council and, of course, none of these things would have been possible without the colleagues and partners who have delivered day in, day out to make them successful.

“It has truly been an honour to serve as chief executive of the council.”

Mr Logan was found to be one of the highest-paid officers in south Essex by Taxpayer’s Alliance, receiving a total of £236,668, consisting of a £199,202 salary and £37,486 in pension payments between 2022 and 2023.

Mr Logan will be succeeded by Owen Sparks, current strategic director for resources and governance, as interim head of paid service.

Paula Deery, Basildon Council’s monitoring officer, will oversee the operation of the upcoming general election as acting returning officer.