The Deputy Chief Constable of Essex Police joined dignitaries and the public for a 21-gun salute in Colchester. 

Andrew Prophet, represented Essex Police at the event today at Lower Castle Park. 

He said: "It’s been a privilege to attend Colchester and witness the fitting tribute to His Majesty King Charles III as part of his official birthday celebrations.”

Mr Prophet joined the event as a guest, watching along with the public as G Parachute Battery of 7 Para Royal Artillery fired a 21-gun salute to mark the King's official birthday. 

Salute - The 21 gun salute Salute - The 21 gun salute (Image: Essex Police)

He added: "Gun salutes have a long, proud tradition here in Colchester, and everyone attending appreciated the skill and precision with which it has been carried out.

“I’d like to thank our military colleagues for extending this invitation to me, to witness such an important day in their ceremonial calendar.”