A SHELTERED housing tenant living in a "new-build nightmare" will have to leave her home for “up to six weeks” so urgent repairs can be carried out.

A resident living on the ground floor of The Westcliffs flats, in Grosvenor Road, Westcliff, claims she has had “two-years” worth of issues with mould, leaks, and other issues since moving into the home that was only built in 2020.

The 27-year-old, who asked not to be named, claimed she has battled against sewage leaks in her bathroom, a radiator falling off the wall and has been left with “constant anxiety” over the state of her flat.

Damage - Damage to a wallDamage - Damage to a wall (Image: Provided)

Sanctuary Housing, which manages the property, has confirmed she will be moved out next month so repairs can take place.

The resident told the Echo: “It has been an absolute nightmare.

“I have been in a constant state of anxiety, and I worry wondering about what will happen today.

“Currently, I don’t see an exit, it brings me so much fear and I want to start a family but how can I possibly bring a child into this situation?

“One where my current health is at risk?”

Holes - A hole in the wall and damage to the skirting Holes - A hole in the wall and damage to the skirting (Image: Provided)

The resident claims she has had multiple chest infections due to the humidity of the flat encouraging black mould, and issues with pests such as maggots in rooms of her flat.

She added: “I have had sewage leaking from my bathroom because the plumbing has not been done correctly, for god knows how long.

"I’ve had black mould in almost every room in the house, in the hallways, bathrooms and I had a floor to ceiling cupboard that was totally covered.”

She added investigation work into the leaks left a gaping hole in her bedroom wall, which means she cannot use her bathroom sink.

"I am so frustrated that there has been so little effort, only when we pushed for them to act did they.”

A spokesman for Sanctuary, which manages the property, said: “We have been in regular contact with our customer to provide support and while significant work has already been carried out in her home, we have recently arranged a temporary move to an alternative property that meets her needs so that further work can be carried out.

“At our customer’s request we have agreed this work will start on Monday July 8 , which is to allow her time to prepare for the short-term move.

“Once the work begins, we will ensure it is completed as quickly as possible so she is able to return home without delay.”