An inquest will look into the circumstances around the death of the Colchester editor of a leading sociology journal. 

Agnes Skamballis, 63, died on June 20, 2023.

A pre-inquest review took place on June 18 at the Coroner’s Court in Chelmsford. 

During the review, area coroner Sonia Hayes wanted to establish with close family the type of evidence and witnesses that would be needed to investigate Mrs Skamballis’s death. 

The court heard that Mrs Skamballis had died at Colchester Hospital following a short period of ill health, which had family members concerned. 

According to her son, Nicholas Skamballis, the family had called ambulance services several times before Mrs Skamballis was admitted to hospital, but no further action was taken by paramedics and carers despite the family raising concerns. 

Mrs Skamballis was admitted to Colchester General on June 7, appearing drowsy, with slurred speech, and despite a temperature of 36.6 degrees Celsius, relatives voiced worries about an infection or sepsis. 

Mr Skamballis also told the court that there had been issues following his mother’s admission to the hospital, as medical records showed she was treated with oxycodone, contradicting the efforts to clear her system of opioids. 

Mrs Skamballis has been described as “calm, reassuring and kind” in her profession as an “exceptional” editor of the Sexualities journal, which was founded by the late Professor Ken Plummer at Essex University. 

Her family has set up a remembrance page for friends and colleagues to share memories of her, as well as raise funds for charity in her name. 

The full inquest into her death will be held between April 9 and 11 next year.