A SNAKE bite left an adorable cocker spaniel with a swollen face and needing urgent vet care, sparking a warning from the dog’s owners. 

Max, was out for a walk with his owner, 56-year-old Adam Jones, when he was bitten by an adder while walking in long grass in Barling. 

Max, 15 months old, was on a long lead in a field when he suddenly sprung backwards. 
Adam then spotted a “very dark, large, adder” slithering away. 

Sweet - Max and his owner Adam Jones enjoy their countryside walks togetherSweet - Max and his owner Adam Jones enjoy their countryside walks together (Image: Adam Jones)

He said: “I raced over and I saw a very dark, large, adder. I rang my wife Tracy straight away and contacted the vets.

“We were referred to Medivet in Southend, who quickly administered the anti-venom and put Max on a drip.”

Despite the very swift response, Max’s face began to swell after being bitten on Monday. 

Adam added: “Very rapidly his face started to swell, it was like it inflated. 48 hours later, the swelling on his face has not gone down. It is still like that now.

Ouch - Max looking and feeling down in the mouth after his adder encounterOuch - Max looking and feeling down in the mouth after his adder encounter (Image: Adam Jones)

“He is in a lot of discomfort, but Medivet have been fantastic, he is getting the best care imaginable.”

The couple live opposite a sprawling 22-acre field in Barling, and have walked dogs in the area everyday for 12 years - without any issues before this.

Besides the shock and worry, the couple have also highlighted the importance of having insurance.

Adam said: “The anti-venom was £700 and our bill is now more than £3k as of today.

“We are fortunate that we have the insurance in place to accommodate that, and can financially afford it. But for people less fortunate, that is a big concern, so it is a lesson to have insurance in place.

Cute - Max before he was bitten by the adderCute - Max before he was bitten by the adder (Image: Adam Jones)

“You never really know to expect these things, it happened in a matter of seconds.”

Adam and Tracy managed to get their dog Max to the vets within 20 to 30 minutes, emphasising the importance of acting quickly in such situations.

Adorable - Max with TracyAdorable - Max with Tracy (Image: Adam Jones)

The Medivet website states that adder bites can be severe but are rarely fatal in dogs.

However, they can make a dog very ill and should be treated as an emergency. 

If you suspect your dog may have received a bite from an adder, contact your vets immediately.