A SEAFRONT restaurant is set to be ordered to tear down its shopfront within two months after installing a purple and yellow sign without planning permission.

Deshi Grille, on Marine Parade close to Pier Hill, first installed the sign in 2021 and Southend Council received a complaint that unapproved work was taking place.

Despite a warning, a site visit and an instruction to submit a retrospective planning application, the owner of the business has failed to take action and the council is now preparing to take enforcement action.

The restaurant sits within the Clifftown Conservation Area and Southend Council is cracking down on unauthorised shopfronts in the area.

Scoops 37, next door, and Circus Circus Amusement, two doors away, have both been threatened with enforcement action after having retrospective plans for their bright signs refused.

Daniel Cowan, leader of Southend Council, said: “We would encourage everyone to get planning permission before they complete works as it reduces their risk of having to undo their work.

“The council has a fantastic pre-application service that businesses and residents can access to help work through possible issues before planning to aid a successful application.”

If enforcement action is approved at a development control meeting next Wednesday, the business owner would have two months to remove the “unauthorised fascia box”.

Officers believe this is a “sufficient and reasonable time” to allow for compliance.

In July 2021, a letter was dispatched to the business owner, requesting the submission of a retrospective planning application.

Despite the communication, a follow-up site visit in December 2022 showed the unauthorised sign still in place.

Council representatives sent an additional letter in June 2023.

Southend Council say no contact was made by the owner and a final warning was sent by the council in September 2023.

The report adds: “Staff consider that taking enforcement action is proportionate and justified in the circumstances of the case and that an enforcement notice should be served as this will bring further focus to the need for the breach to cease and the identified harm to be remedied.”