MICHELLE Woodard is inspiring a generation of youngsters to love cooking, eating healthy and to care for the community.

Hailed as “the best teacher ever”, students who have been lucky enough to sit in her class at King Edmund School have insisted there is no-one more deserving of the “Food Educator of the Year” title.

Michelle took over the food department in September 2022 and has been steadily elevating the school’s education around the importance of food and hospitality.

She has actively facilitated catering experiences for students, offering opportunities for real-world application of their skills.

Michelle’s tireless advocacy for healthy, low-cost, and nutritious meal options has enhanced the school’s curriculum and empowered students to make informed dietary choices.

Year 10 student Gypsy-Bliss Thomas said: “I’m so happy for Miss, she really deserves this award because every day she goes above and beyond to make our lessons great, adapting them to everyone’s needs, catering for everyone.

“She really listens and takes into account what everyone’s cooking. She really is amazing.”

One of Michelle’s key initiatives involves fostering a “deeper understanding of nutrition and food science” among students. Through innovative activities such as the Pi Day bake-off and food science experiments, she has “enriched the educational experience for students”.

Year 10 student Aaron Lee Cooper said: “She’s a very good teacher, the best one I’ve had for cooking. I’m really proud of her and she deserves it.

“She gives me loads of support in class, is very informative and gives really good advice. I love her classes.”

Another student, Georgia, added: “The way she teaches is just perfect. She’s the best teacher ever.

“I feel completely comfortable around her and I feel like I can tell her anything. I would be surprised if she didn’t get an award like this.”