A TEENAGE girl was knocked unconscious after being "hit by a car whilst on a pedestrian crossing" in Basildon.

Police have launched an investigation after an incident in Timberlog Lane.

A 14-year-old girl had been pushing an electric scooter across a pedestrian crossing when she was in a collision with a silver Ford S Max.

She was knocked unconscious during the collision which was on Tuesday at around 6:45pm.

Essex Police say a 32-year-old woman from Vange has now been arrested on suspicion of attempted GBH with intent.

She has since been released on bail until September 7.

A spokesman for Essex Police said: "A woman has been arrested and we’re appealing for information following incident in Basildon where a girl was struck by a car.

"It was reported a 14 year-old girl had been pushing an electric scooter across a pedestrian crossing in Timberlog Lane at around 6.45pm on Tuesday, June 18 when she was in collision with a silver Ford S Max.

"If you have any information, CCTV, dash cam or other footage in relation to this incident, then please get in contact with us.

"Please quote the crime reference 42/93868/24."