A PUB was forced to kick out two customers during England’s Euro 2024 match against Denmark... just days after a brawl broke out during the team’s first game of the tournament

The Inn on the Green, in Mountnessing Road, Billericay, re-opened after a six-figure revamp earlier this month for a “summer of sport” after creating a new sports bar and outside pergola.

However, during both of England’s opening fixtures of the tournament trouble has broken out.

After Thursday night’s game, brewery Greene King confirmed two people were kicked out for “inappropriate behaviour”.

Witnesses described seeing chairs and boards being thrown during a fight on Sunday after England’s first match of the tournament.

One witness, who asked not to be named, said: “We were actually in there when it happened.

“There was a massive fight. The new chairs and boards were being thrown at families and customers.

“It is causing houses that live near it to put up with all the issues.

“It has gone from family-friendly to disaster.”

Another alleged fight also broke out during the England v Denmark where two customers were asked to leave the pub “for inappropriate behaviour.”.”

A spokesman for The Inn on the Green said: “We’re proud to show the football and as a responsible business ensure we have advance plans in place to manage this safely, which includes hiring door security and making sure a high number of senior team members are on-hand during the game.

“We do not tolerate any antisocial behaviour and dealt swiftly with an isolated incident outside the pub on Sunday evening involving two different groups, which was contained very quickly with our door security intervening.

“On Thursday, two customers were also asked to leave the pub for inappropriate behaviour.

“The safety of our team and customers is our top priority and we’d like to thank the vast number of people who have joined us to watch the football and showed their support.”

Bosses insisted they have strict security in place including a zero-tolerance approach to drugs and underage drinking.

They added there was no evidence of drugs or underage drinking during either game, and it has made the decision to only allow access for over 18s during England matches.