The family of a woman killed by a criminal who drove a stolen van into oncoming traffic say they accept the court’s decision, after he was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Barancan Nurcin, 22, of High Road in Tottenham, was jailed at St Albans Crown Court today for causing two deaths by dangerous driving.

Canvey mum Zoe Hawes, 39, was killed on the M25 near St Albans as she and her husband Wayne drove to Luton airport for a holiday in Morocco.

Mr Hawes survived but suffered injuries so catastrophic he had to be put into an induced coma.

Nurcin’s passenger Fahad Dek, 23, from Enfield, was also killed in the crash.

Speaking after the sentence, Mrs Hawes’ oldest daughter Bella said: “Today we accept the sentence. However, there isn’t anything that can fix what has happened to our family.

“We have lost our sister, the children their beloved mum and Wayne his wife and soul mate.”

She said the family would be “forever grateful” to the police officers who had supported them throughout the investigation and prosecution.

“We will continue to work as a family to support Wayne and the children in the new life they face,” she added.

Chief Inspector Stephen O’Keefe, from Hertfordshire Constabulary, read a statement from Hoda Osman, Mr Dek’s mother, in which she extended her family’s condolences to that of Mrs Hawes.

Of her own son’s death, she said: “As a family, we welcome today’s sentence. However, the loss of my son Fahad is irreparable.

“The pain and enduring suffering caused by the offender’s actions is everlasting. We will forever carry this burden.”

Chief Inspector O’Keefe added, on behalf of the force: “Although nothing can make up for the pain Nurcin has caused, I am pleased with today’s result.

“Nurcin’s actions have had catastrophic consequences causing the deaths of two innocent people. Many more lives have also been destroyed through the trauma and heartache he has caused.

“The impact of this dreadful collision cannot be overstated and my thoughts are with the victims’ loved ones.

“Nurcin had plenty of opportunity to safely pull over for police. Instead, he ignored our officers and made the incomprehensible decision to drive towards oncoming traffic, knowingly putting the public at risk.

“I hope today’s result goes some way in easing the pain of all those affected by the utterly selfish and dangerous actions of Nurcin.”