The winner of Tiptree's 20th Strawberry Race has been announced, harvesting an impressive 6.47 kilos in one hour.

Marian Tiuga of Romania, who came second last year, claimed the coveted title as the fastest picker of the Little Scarlet strawberries.

The runner-up was Nicolae Petrechivta, also from Romania, who picked 5.24 kilos worth of strawberries.

The event was graced by the presence of Jimmy Doherty from Jimmy’s Farm who opened the first Strawberry Race in June 2004 at Bounds Farm Goldhanger.

On a fine summer morning, competitors comprising of Tiptree farm pickers and nearby businesses gave their best, many donned football attire as a nod to Tiptree Health Football Club which benefitted from a donation from the race.

Chris Newenham, joint managing director of Wilkin & Sons, started the race and said: "You will have to search the plants for the tiny berries as we need more sun to ripen the fruit but they will be very sweet."

Along with racing, the best-dressed competitors were also rated.

Ellisons Solicitors and Tiptree Pudding Room lifted the title for the best-dressed visiting, and home team, respectively.

After the award presentations, chairman Walter Scott presented a hamper to Adam Sorrell, secretary of Tiptree Health Football Club, commenting on the fact that Mr Sorrell's father and grandfather worked at Tiptree.

Mr Scott said: "Thank you all for coming and in particular to Jimmy we are so pleased to see you again."

The event concluded with Jimmy expressing his pleasure at returning after 20 years.